Home Fatwallet Thanks for the Memories (and money saved!)

Thanks for the Memories (and money saved!)


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Thanks for the Memories (and money saved!)

Rating: 0 Posted By: kenbenobi
Views: 80 Replies: 0

Figured I’d jump on the “farewell” bandwagon… Been on here for a long time, and am sad to see it go. I don’t know where I’ll go for deals now (I know of the new sites that have been posted, but none of them have the same “feel” to them. And I can’t stand Slickdeals…

I’m also sad because FatWallet is somewhat local for me. I always meant to drive up to Beloit to see their sweet offices. I feel sad for those who lost their jobs… Goodbye Fatwallet staff, and members. I hope our paths cross again on another site…